Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm (AEST)

BAS Agent Services

T3 Partners are qualified bookkeepers and Registered BAS Agents. Bookkeepers primarily focus on recording financial transactions, maintaining accurate records, and preparing financial statements. BAS Agents however, are authorised by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) to prepare and lodge Business Activity Statements (BAS) on behalf of clients. This authorisation involves a higher level of training, ongoing professional development, and adherence to strict compliance standards set by the TPB.

Using a BAS Agent ensures BAS and other lodgements are accurate, timely, and compliant with Australian taxation laws, thereby minimising risks of penalties and ensuring regulatory compliance effectively.

Our BAS Agent Services include:

Resources Relating to BAS Agent Services

What our clients say

The Collingwood Hotel has been with T3 partners for over ten years. T3 Partners provides training and support over many areas, including Reckon Accounts, bank reconciliation, BAS lodgement, end of financial year for our gaming, TAB, Keno, super, credit cards and our main trading account.

They always go above and beyond to meet our needs and our deadlines, even if they have to work around the clock. They are only ever a phone call away! Most importantly, they understand the hotel industry.

Exterior image of the Collingwood Hotel at sunset

Collingwood Hotel

Caroline Porter CFO / Collingwood Hotel Sydney, NSW