Each year T3 Partners takes the team away for a long weekend to reward them for their efforts throughout the year. It’s also a good time to ensure we’re all practicing what we preach: work, life balance. We generally get a nice big house somewhere to kick back and relax like the family we are. This year we returned to Marcoola Beach at the Sunshine Coast. The house we chose was located within walking distance to the Surf Club. If you ever get up or down that way make sure you pop in there for a cold drink and a meal. The staff there went over and beyond to make us feel like locals from the moment we arrived. The theme for retreat this year was renew-ability and as such we focused on renew-ability in as many ways as possible.

Renew Friendships
As we’re an online business we sometimes only get face to face interaction with each other once a year. Our team members are scattered all over the Country from Victoria to the far North of Queensland. Whilst technology is wonderful and allows us all to live where we want to live and continue working with clients all over Australia, face to face interaction can never be replaced. This is one of the reasons why our annual get together is so very important. This year we had two new team members to introduce (initiate) and it was wonderful to see everyone meet and get to know each other. Welcome to Stephanie Achilles (left) and Fiona Louise Mac Lean (right). Yes! now there are two Fionas!
Renew the body – rest and relaxation
In order to be productive everyone needs to rest and relax. Unfortunately in this busy world we live in that can be a hard thing to do. We all work hard not only in our jobs but also in out home lives. We all have personal commitments and sometimes more often than not there’s not much time left for ourselves. Having a break allows one the head space to focus on the things that are important.
Renew the mind – thrive not survive
Taking a break to rest also allows one to contemplate on the now and the future. When was the last time you asked yourself, “Where will I be in five years from now”? In this ever changing industry, it’s important to have a clear picture on how to thrive and not just survive in a way that your personal and career goals align. Our mystery guest this year, the lovely Ruth from Conus ran us all through a great session on how this can be done. She demonstrated how planning and renew-ability can ensure longevity in our changing industry whilst still being able to meet our personal goals.

Renew the planet – making a conscious effort
As part of renew-ability, we all made a conscious effort to do our bit for the planet for the long weekend. The end result after 4 days was the tiniest amount of land fill. Everything else was recycled. Well done to all.

T3 Partners renew-ability retreat was a huge success and we very much look forward to next years event. if you’d like to know more about why we retreat, please contact us.